Maimpok Theme Free

Maimpok Screenshot

Maimpok | Demo | Download Maimpok
  1. Install maimpok folder at /wp-content/themes/
  2. Activate Maimpok Theme 1.0 by Padd Solutions (Note: Don’t worry if it might look disoriented at first, you need to activate the required plugins to fully utilize the theme.)
Activate the Required Plugins
Customizing Maimpok Options:
  1. Go to Appearance > Maimpok Options
    • General Settings
    • Social Networking Settings
    • Related Posts Settings
    • Page Navigation Settings
    • Custom Ads Settings
  2. Then Save Settings.
Additional Customization:
  • Changing the Logo:
    1. Use the site-name.psd found at the /images folder.
    2. Edit it using your favorite graphics application.
    3. Save as site-name.png and upload it at the /wp-content/themes/maimpok/images folder.
  • Changing the Description:
    1. Use the site-description.psd found at the /images folder.
    2. Edit it using your favorite graphics application.
    3. Save as site-description.png and upload it at the /wp-content/themes/maimpok/images folder.
  • Using TweetMeme:
    1. Go to TweetMeme settings
    2. Display: check “Display the button on pages”
    3. Position: Manual.
    4. Type: choose “The compact widget”
    5. The rest of the settings can be left as is.
    6. Save changes.
  • Updating Featured Photos:
    1. Go to Settings > flickrRSS
    2. Edit the settings.
    3. Save changes.
  • Updating the Featured Content Gallery:
    1. At the Custom Field post:
    2. Name: paddimage-gallery
    3. Value: url of the image (i.e. /wp-content/uploads/2010/02/image.jpg)
    4. Edit the settings.
    5. Save changes.
  • Updating the Post Thumbnail:
    1. At the Custom Field of the post:
    2. Name: paddimage
    3. Value: url of the image (i.e. /wp-content/uploads/2010/02/image.jpg)
    4. Edit the settings.
    5. Save changes.

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